Thursday 3 December 2015

We have just started using mathletics to support our math learning. The students are very excited to use this program. They can compete against people in the class, school, or around the world. They can earn points for independent progress. Their progress is recorded in the activities section and I can access the data to help determine next steps. 

When working with your child at home there are three sections to know about. They can use any parts of the program but the three important sections are as follows:

1) Live mathletics: this is where students practice their math facts in a timed setting against classmates, schoolmates, or same aged peers around the world (they do not have the opportunity to communicate with others, only the scores are recorded). 

2) Activities: the student's results are recorded and submitted to the teacher data page. Please do not help your child through these questions as it will not be a true reflection of their learning process. The students can earn gold, silver, and bronze medals by successfully completing activities. 

3) Rain forest: this section is for practice. Parents are more than welcome to work with their children in this section. There is no data that is recorded in this section. Feel free to have family discussions about the various concepts. You can choose the appropriate level for your child and move up or down a level as needed. 

There are also math videos, concept search, and problem solving. I hope you enjoy this new program as much as the students. We keep looking for our class name in the top 50 classes in Canada and around the world. There is also an individual results page for the top 100 students around the world and in Canada. There have been some OCSB students and classes that have made the list, let's try to add our class to the list!

To log in to mathletics, you can go to the student portal and select the mathletics link, go to, or download the free app. Their login information is in their agendas. Some students wrote the information in the front of their agenda and some wrote it on the December 2nd page. 

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