Monday 9 September 2013

Grade 3 Homework

This week I will be starting the homework program. The homework folder will be sent home on TUESDAYS and to be returned the following MONDAY. I understand your busy life styles and feel that it would be most beneficial for the students to have a full week to complete their homework. 

Every Tuesday I will send home a folder that contains a homework sheet, notebook, and any necessary materials. The focus of the homework program is to develop conversation at home with your child regarding what s/he is learning. Extending your child's learning beyond the classroom will help them to realize how to apply their learning to everyday life. 

There will be some activities that will be on the blog. You will find different learning sections on the right hand side of the blog page. All videos and websites have been previewed and used in the classroom. 

The homework will include all areas of our current learning. There will be Reading, Writing, Math, Religion, and Science sections. Your child is asked to complete 5 activities on the homework sheet. They are more than welcome to complete as many as they would like. If a sections requires writing, please have them use the notebook (please date the pages). Please have them colour in the squares when the activity is complete and the initial the sheet before returing to school. 

I look forward to working with you as partners in your child's education.