Wednesday 29 May 2013


We have been discussing simple machines (gr.2) and structures (gr.3). We will be creating simple machines and structures using recycled materials next week. Today we will be brainstorming and researching ideas using the iPads. 

The grade 2s will be creating their simple machines on Wednesday. They will write a paragraph describing the ways in which their simple machine will help to move objects and explain how their simple machine will impact society and the environment. 

The grade 3s will be asked to create a structure that they would like to have in the school yard. They will write a persuasive paragraph to Mrs. Benton explaining why their structure should be included in the school yard. They will write a second paragraph describing the structure's strength, stability, and safety features. 

Please send in any recycled materials you may have around the house. 
- pop bottles
- soup cans
- lids
- string
- tape
- wheels
- beads
- straws
- chop sticks
- paper towel rolls
- wooden skewers