Wednesday 8 May 2013

Exploring Science Outdoors
The students were very excited on Monday when they had the chance to build angry bird structures.We borrowed the wooden blocks from kindergarten (thank you kinders for letting us borrow them). The students built structures in groups and then were able to knock them down with a soft ball. They were using proper scientific vocabulary (foundation, stable, joint, post, beam, frame) while planning and building their structures. They enquired about various types of structural designs, tall, short, unstable, stable, wide, and narrow.  Their conversations were wonderful, they worked well in their groups and provided descriptive feedback to their peers to help improve their structures.

Last week the grade 3s went outside to look around our beautiful yard to find natural and human-made structures. The Grade 2 students tried to find simple machines in the yard. The students responded very well to this activity and were able to identify many structures within the environment.