Monday 18 March 2013

March News

Welcome back from March Break, I hope you and your families had a wonderful break. We are now into the final 3 months of school and our schedule is very busy here at school.

Your child will be coming home with a measurement project outline. This will replace the weekly homework (except for spelling practice sheet). The project is due April 2. Please read the outline, sign and return the bottom of page 3. The project is based on the story Measuring Penny. We read the story in class today and the students discussed different items that they would like to measure.

On Wednesday March 20th the students will have the Scientists in the School's program in the class. Although it is by Scientists in the Schools we will have a math focus. The students will open their own bank account and earn money while learning about place value, currency, and venn diagrams. They will practice telling time on both digital and analog clocks. They will also explore fractions. This fun fill math event will take place during the first two blocks Wednesday morning. We are very excited!

"I have a voice!" This is the Catholic Graduate Expectation we, as a whole school, are focusing on this month. The students are encouraged to do the following:
  • I speak, write and listen as Jesus would want me to
  • I care about others and speak up for them
  • I am honest
  • I think carefully before I react or speak
  • I respect all people and their languages
  • I listen to the Word of God
Because I have a voice, I will use it lovingly, and I will live my life like Jesus.
We are still looking for egg cartons. Thank you to those who have been sending some in we need a total of 42 egg cartons, that is 2 per child. Thank you for all your help!


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