Friday 1 February 2013

Self Assessment

We have changed our BUMP UP wall to help support our self assessment practices. The students are responsible to think critically about their work and to ensure they are following the success criteria in order to complete the task properly. For each writing task the students complete a self assessment form where they fill in a section with either PINK (strengths) or GREEN (areas that need improvement). Once they are finished with the self assessment they are able to improve their work and to BUMP it up. 

Our new writing focus is PROCEDURAL WRITING. We have just started our BUMP UP wall to include information to help us be more critical learners and to improve our self assessment.

As you can tell from our writing topic, our math focus is now money. The students are encouraged to practice counting money and adding and subtracting money amounts. The grade 2's expectation is money amounts to $1.00 and the grade 3's expectation is money amounts to $10.00. They are reminded that although those are the expectations they most certainly can go beyond the expectations!

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