Monday 25 February 2013

We are starting our unit on measurement. We will be discussing cm, m, and km (gr3), and justifying when to use each unit of measure. Through inquiry and problem solving we will investigate the area and perimetre of various objects within the classroom. This unit also includes telling time; the grade 2 expectation is to tell time to the quarter hour, while the grade 3 expectation is to tell time to the nearsest 5 minutes.

Please enjoy the measurement games that are posted in the website links section. 
I have added 6 math videos for the students to enjoy at home. If the video link brings you to the learn360 website please login using the following infomation:

Username: ocsbstudent

Password: ocsb360
There are also many apps that can help reinforce what the students are learning.
1) Interactive telling time
2) I can count money (Canada)
3) Measurement HD
4) Splash Math
5) Kids Measurement (ages 6-8)
6) Doin' Time
 7) + Bubbles x
8) Math Academy
9) Hungry Fish
10) Place Value
11) Oh No Fractions