Monday 7 January 2013

Happy New Year!
 I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy new year. Today we discussed new year's resolutions for our classroom. The students also wrote about their personal resolutions for becoming a better student.
Grade 2
There is a letter in your child's agenda regarding a second parent meeting for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist. The meeting will be on Monday, January 14th, at 7pm. in the school library.
Grade 3
The grade three students have a few sheets in their agendas about the Swim to Survive program. We will be going swimming Jan. 14th, 21st, and 28th at the Nepean Sportsplex. Please sign the permission form and return it to school ASAP. There is also a feedback form that needs to be returned by January 31st.

***Secret Santa Update***
Since we were unable to have our Secret Santa gift exchange on Friday, we will be having it this coming Friday, January 11th.