Thursday 6 December 2012

Food Drive

Way to go 2/3's! Thank you very much for your food donations. Today, our class collected the most food items in the whole school with a total of 30! For our prize we got to choose the trivia question for the lunch time announcements. Way to go 2/3's you are showing ways to care for others in our community during the Christmas season. Keep the donations coming! Tomorrow we are asking for cereal (all food items are also welcome)!

John 6
Phillip said "Master it is getting late and the people are hungry. You should send them home." "Why send them home? Just feed them!" said Jesus. A little boy offered to share his five small loaves of bread and two tiny fish. Phillip threw his hands in the air and said "That's not enough for all of these people!" "Ask them to sit down" Jesus said. He took the bread in his hands, looked up to heaven, and blessed it. He did the same with the fish. Then he told the disciples to hand out the food. The people were amazed! There was more than enough for everyone. When all the people had finished eating, the disciples filled twelve baskets with the food that was left! With God's love, the five loaves and two small fish fed more than 5000 people.